GeoAir is a highly efficient direct exchange geothermal system uses the constant temperatures of the ground for transfer of heat.
Conventional cooling and heating systems rely on air temperatures for heat transfer that vary on a daily basis whereas ground temperatures remain relatively constant. Consistent heat transfer provides both greater efficiencies and reliability in performance.
Action Energy Australia is proud to be a supplier of the GeoAir system.
Cooling Mode
GeoAir geothermal circulates a refrigerant vapour into the earth to absorb the heat in the naturally cooler, and stable, sub surface temperatures. With excess heat removed, the cooled refrigerant condenses into a liquid. This liquid expands through an expansion device, lowers the pressure, and causes the temperature to reduce even further. Refrigerant is then circulated through the fan coil unit cooling your home, building or office, and absorbing the excessive heat from the interior air. This causes the refrigerant to expand back into a vapour. The cycle repeats.
Due to these much lower condensing temperatures, the heat pump achieves both an uplift in capacity as well as a reduction in energy consumption. This combination delivers excellent system efficiencies.
Heating Mode
When operating in heating mode, cold refrigerant is circulated within the geothermal loop. This absorbs the heat naturally supplied by the earth.
This heated refrigerant vapour is compressed, and circulated through the fan coil unit, heating the space. This removes the heat from the refrigerant, cooling it again. The cycle repeats.

Using the constant temperature of the earth, a GeoAir system is a genuine sustainable solution. With significantly reduced energy consumption, a GeoAir system will reduce the carbon footprint of the air conditioning plant. GeoAir is incorporated within the BASIX (NSW) tool and will add considerable value to any Greenstar project.
Save Energy and Money
Air Conditioning can account for over 50% of a buildings energy use. A high efficiency GeoAir system will offer significant energy cost reductions over the life of the installed system. Typical cost recovery on an installed GeoAir system provides a sound return on investment, well within most commercial requirements.
A GeoAir™ system does not require government rebates and support to make it affordable. Ongoing energy savings of a GeoAir system provide real cost saving benefits.
Quiet and Compact
Operating at a low 51dB the GeoAir system overcomes noise issues associated with conventional air conditioning units. Through an integrated design process, GeoAir heat pumps can be concealed within building fabric. All GeoAir heat pumps are compact in design and require no ventilation providing broad options for design location.
It is safe
No external fans remove safety issues, particularly small children with inquisitive fingers.
GeoAir’s high-quality geothermal loops will outlast building ownership. There is no maintenance to perform on installed loops. The GeoAir heat pumps are Australian designed and manufactured and all mechanical equipment is easily serviceable.
Reduced Maintenance
There are few moving parts. A GeoAir system has no external fans and condenser coils and therefore requires minimal ongoing maintenance.
GeoAir Installation
Much of the system installation is no different to what is traditionally setup except, the condenser loop is below ground and a heat pump replaces the conventional condenser.
GeoAir is the new generation of geothermal cooling and heating. Where older generation geothermal circulated water through ground loops, GeoAir circulates R410A refrigerant gas. The benefits of this include:Increased heat transfer rates delivers genuine savings in the installation costs as less loops and therefore drilling is required. Ground works in geothermal are always the most expensive part of the installation. GeoAir requires less drilling, meaning lower costs.
- Reduced loop field footprint provides greater application. Fewer geothermal loops allows the technology to be used across a broad range of sites where there are space constraints.
- GeoAir does not circulate water through ground loops, meaning there is no need for water circulation pumps. This removes one source of power consumption.
1. Geothermal Loop
The geothermal loop is installed to depths of 80m and encased in a purpose-designed grout. Once the loop is installed it is connected to the heat pump and does not require any service and maintenance.
2. Heat Pump
Approximately the same size as a domestic dishwasher, the heat pump circulates the refrigerant through the geothermal loop and the internal fan coil unit. Location of the heat pump is typically where a conventional condenser would be placed. The heat pump is connected to the internal fan coil, electrical and controls in the same way a conventional air conditioning unit is.
3. Fan Coil Unit
All internal installation is no different to a conventional ducted system. Action Energy can either train your air conditioning contractor or provide you with a suitably qualified installer.
4. In Ceiling Ducting
There are no changes to the installation of the system over a conventional ducted system. All ductwork remains the same as with a conventional system.