...take Action for your Energy self sufficiency...
Customer achieve returns on investment of over 20-40% with our electricity generation and displacement solutions. Action Energy can also help achieve complementary energy reduction strategies such as Peak Load Shaving, Energy Storage and Power Factor Correction.
With beginnings in commercial scale and industrial photovoltaic solar generation systems, Action Energy Australia (AEA) has expanded into the residential and energy storage markets. We are a trusted provider with accreditations awarded from key industry advocates and the recently announced government home battery schemes.
In addition to PV Solar and Battery Energy Storage AEA offers access to the latest in both federal and state government rebates, and provide services in cost effective cutting-edge energy reduction strategies, and equipment including: motor velocity controllers and soft starters, peak load shaving systems, and automated LED smart lighting systems.
AEA customers benefit from our committed support for helping to develop new green industry innovations. At the same time, the use of only Tier 1 and proven quality guaranteed equipment with long term manufacturer, design and installation warrantees is core to our business model.
Our technicians take pride in the highest quality trade workmanship. All systems are installed above the Clean Energy Council requirements and Australian Design Standards.